"Prerana Special School" was started on 1st July, 1995 in a small apartment in Vikas Puri, which immediately started advocacy work in the community, building community support and strengthening hope & determination in families with disabled children. For this, we personally make visits to such families, to give them support in all possible ways. We attend various seminars, or smaller gatherings to discuss causes and possible prevention of such cases. We seek to identify people from the community to work with the children.
The organization INSPIRATION now registered and enjoying tax exemption under Section 80 G of Income Tax Act was formed later in 1996. Meeting parents with disabled children living in other parts of Delhi, we met with a need to spread, at their invitation, our advocacy efforts to other areas in the city. Delhi University, Central Institute of Education, NIMH and other institutions has been covered in Inspiration's advocacy campaigns. Inspiration was allotted space in the Community Facility Complex, Slum & JJ Dept., MCD, at 12 Block Tilak Nagar, where the Centre has been running since Oct.'98.
There are 70 students at present whose ages range from 3 years-45 years.