Sunday, June 27, 2010

Awareness Programme in Haldwani

On 19 December 2009 a Parent Training-cum-Awareness programme sponsored by Christofer Blinden Mission, was held in Haldwani. Pre-programmes were held over a period of 6 months before this to identify families with special needs children/adults. The programme was held in the Forest Training Institute in Haldwani. The officers of the Institutetook keen interest in the programme and created a lot of interest among the people. Extensively coverd by all local newspapers, the programme was attended by 50 participants - parents and Anganwari workers. It was inaugurated by Mr. Sanjeev Arya, a dynamic and young leader of the Mandi Samiti. Mrs. Pushpa Arya, a well-known social worker chaired the event. Mrs. Singh spoke on the importance of parents getting together to work for the training and rehabilitation of the intellectually disabled in this part of the country as there are practically no services in the hills. The well-known paediatrician Dr Ajay Panday who was the Guest Speaker spoke about the importanceof identifying the symptoms of intellectual disabilities early. Some snapshots follow!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

World Disability Day 2009

On 3 December 2009 we celebrated the World Disability Day in Delhi by organizing a Free Parents' Training Programme. The chief guest was the local MLA Shri O.P. Babbar, a well-known philanthropist and social worker. The programme was attended by about 50 parents and special educators / social workers. Mrs. Singh spoke about the Supported Decision Making Pilot Project of the United Nations that she is conducting in Dehra Dun. It is a one year project being jointly conducted by Inclusion International, PARIVAAR- National Confederation of Parents' Associations and is supported by the NAtional Trust. Mrs Singh is the Coordinator of the Project which has selected 15 families to see how the Supported Network could be developed over a year. We will be back with more information on Supported Decision Making. For now we have the pictures of the Parents' Training Programme organized on World Disability Day.


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